Stop wishing you were someone else.  You are God’s authentication not someone else’s imitation.   Be “you-nique.”  You are made in God’s image and God cannot be contained and it cannot not be stopped.  That’s why there will never be an exact copy of you because that means that God is starting over.  To make a copy is to stop creating...and God never stops creating.  At the center of what you love and what you need is who you are made to be and what you are made to do. 

Your calling starts by giving you permission to be yourself.  Once you can be yourself you find yourself...and that's where your calling is discovered.  Before the foundation of the world God created who you were meant to be as your foundation.  Discovering your calling is not about working harder or going farther but digging deeper to discover who you are meant to be. So be your original and not someone else’s ideal. That takes confidence but true confidence is not what you do with God but what God does with you.  Be true and authentic to God so you can find your true and authentic self.  Being the most authentic you is what God is looking for and what the world is waiting for.  When you discover who you are meant to be, you won’t want to be anyone else. 

(If you love this blunt post on being yourself to discover your calling you will also love the latest message at River Valley Church in our Made For Monday's here)
